Welcome to StCoExpNet
a platform dedicated to the visualization and analysis of co-expression and co-function networks in potatoes.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important crops with a worldwide production of 370 million metric tons. The remarkable rise in potato transcriptome studies over the years generated an enormous amount of RNA-seq data, encompassing various tissues, environmental conditions and genotypes.

In this study, we have collected data from 2636 publicly available potato RNA-Seq samples, processed the raw sequencing reads and mapped them to the potato reference genome (dAg), assembled transcripts, quantified expression, constructed a rank-based co-expression matrix and identified co-expression clusters in a systematic fashion.

The dataset compiled here constitutes a new community resource, which can be used to investigate the expression and co-expression of potato genes of interest or downloaded. This comprehensive transcriptome atlas and the co-expression network will accelerate potato genetics and genomics research. Click here for the workflow used in this study.

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Cite Us:

Venkata Suresh Bonthala and Benjamin Stich. (2024) StCoExpNet: A global co-expression network analysis facilitates identifying genes underlying agronomic traits in potatoes (Submitted).