Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000025617 Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein, putative 0.5695143156115118 44 SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000000643 cytochrome P450 family 71 polypeptide 0.5628145459514529 20 SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000007521 FAD-binding Berberine family protein, putative 0.561301607441774 46 SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000000629 Cytochrome p450 71d7 0.5509054755688596 28 SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000043956 MLP-like protein 28 0.5467751250680603 33 SOLTUB.AGRIA.G00000009331 Autophagy-related protein 0.5342689348565892 43